Yesterday morning, as I was having breakfast and getting ready for work, I listened to Trump’s speech at the United Nations, over the radio. For me, what was most notable was what was not said. Not a single, solitary word about what we’re doing to the planet. Nothing about a warming planet, or rising sea levels, melting ice caps, loss of earth’s biodiversity, deforestation, pollution of our land, water and air, desertification, rampant overdevelopment, overpopulation, our profligate consumerism and obsessive focus on perpetual economic growth. Nothing. And of course there is nothing surprising about that. It’s surreal, in a sense. But, also not surprising.
I’ll end with this quotation I found on the internet several weeks ago. It’s food for thought:
Stopping Trump is a short-term solution. The long-term solution — and it will be more difficult — is fixing the educational system that has created so many people ignorant enough to vote for Trump. — Andy Borowitz
That’s a simplistic point; but it also holds a lot of truth. It is not “the” long-term solution we need. But it is one of the many things we need to be thinking about.