My ‘New & Improved’ Contact Page


Are you familiar with the concept “six degrees of separation?” If not, you soon will be. But I’ll get back to that shortly. First things first.

In case you haven’t seen my Contact page lately, I’ve been periodically adding to it. So much so that I’m definitely not exaggerating when I say there’s something there for everyone. Take a look and you’ll see what I mean.

One of the strongest things I firmly believe is that if you really care about saving the planet, then you need to support people like me. Furthermore, I don’t really know of anyone else out there, like me (e.g. who have big ideas, original ideas, are seeking funding, and have a comprehensive plan). That is precisely why I state on my Contact page:  “I consider myself one of the very best thinkers in the world today, in terms of my ideas and overall thinking concerning how to save the planet, but I’m curious who others think fits that bill.”

Again, that is just one of the items listed on my Contact page.

The very last of the listed items contained on my Contact page is reproduced below (in the paragraph below this one). It references the “six degrees of separation” concept I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post. That concept may actually represent the key to saving the planet, since my advertising budget is so small.

“Six degrees of separation” is the idea that all people are six degrees of separation (social connections wise), or fewer, from everyone else. You personally might not be interested or have the wherewithal to help me with rolling out my ideas and strategies, but chances are you know of someone (or are six degrees of separation from someone), with the wherewithal, who might actually be interested. Ironically, by passing along word about this website, you might in effect be accomplishing more towards saving the planet than what all of today’s thousands of billionaires, combined, are accomplishing. Yes, I believe my ideas are that good.

Oh, and one more thing. As I state on my Contact page, since my advertising budget is so small, if you do contact me, please indicate in your email, how, specifically, you found out about this website. Thanks!